How do I use my casino bonus?

When you release your bonus, you can use it at any time. Casino bonuses update automatically in real-time as they are used. The bonus is a value that works exactly like real money, but you cannot withdraw that value. Instead, you will use it to bet normally and if you win the bet, the profit goes to your winnings as real money! You can check the progress of where you are with an offer on the promotions hub, and individual game pages. You will clearly be able to see how much you have wagered and how much is left to wager. Once wagering is completed, any winnings in the bonus wallet will be transferred over to the main wallet. Bonuses have to be used in the order that they were awarded. You can only use your next bonus once the current bonus has been completely used or has expired. If you place a bet that is more than your bonus amount available, money from your main wallet will be used to make up the stake. For example, if you have a 10 $ bonus and place a 20 $ bet, 10 $ will be taken from your main balance.

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